Be Happy and BE SAFE!

Safety is key.
Enjoy this wonderful article written by Susan at Sweet Pickles about safe babywearing.


Friday, May 14, 2010

customs list:

Here is what is in process:

Heather--Fire & Ice WC (almost done)
Amanda--Pacifica WC (almost done)
Carole--Pieced Reversible Mei Tai (almost done)
Anissa--Cavaliers/Juicy Jungle MT (fabric cut)
Erin--Flowers/pears MT (fabric cut)
Sarah--Onbu (fabric cut)

Wraps recently rec'd for customs:
Elizabeth--Stendhal received
Alisa--Choco Zara received...CUSTOM FORM NEEDED
Jodi--Lemon Indio received
Lauren--Gira #27 received
Carolina--Gira Earthy Rainbow received...CUSTOM FORM NEEDED

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